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IOS is an operating system created and designed by Apple Inc. which runs on all apple’s smartphones Laptops, Desktops & Tablets etc.
IOS is the second most popular operating system in the world, after Android. IOS uses a multi touch interface, in which the device is operate with the help of simple gouaches.
IOS makes the censors of its devices much stronger, which makes it easier to identify users fingers as quickly responsible and pressing your fingers to zoom the screen or move to the one screen to another, you can do all these things freely in IOS.
IOS also control or handles of hardware or software of apple devices and the hardware of the devices is cleverly added to IOS so that it’s users continue to get there good services. The best with there security and services in the worldwide.
The founder of apple inc. Was Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in April 1976.
IOS stand for "iPhone operating system" and it was built with the help of Linux open source OS.
IOS first mobile version released date was June 29, 2007. It is written in C (core), C++, objective-c, swift, assembly language and UNIX- like based on Darwin (BSD) OS family.
It is also available in 40+ languages. The most
important that in current 12 millions user use iPhone or apple products and
apple has 511 retail stores in all over the world.
IOS Versions:
Want to know the full IOS Versions History, then please click "HERE"
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