What is Podcast? Best Podcast Platforms on Internet || How to publish your podcasts on popular music platforms?

There was a time when we used to Listen News & Music on Radio. Then Television Comes and now this place has been taken by Smartphones. Now, we can do numerous tasks on Smartphone which we used to do on Radio & Television like listening songs, news, watching shows, movies etc. But, we thought that the era of Radio (On Air Voice Publishing) is going to increase in coming future because again Radio Facility has returned with another name which we call “Podcast” What is Podcast? In Short: Podcast is a Series of Sound & Voice Episodes digital content. In Podcast, people can record their content on voice media through many applications available on Application Stores and spread on many platform so that other people can listen and learn something from that. Podcasts can be related to anything like: News, Music, Jokes and Informatics etc. Anything you used to do in Radio can be done here. In Radio, we just able to listen but in Podcast we can record our content and spread throughou...