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Best Way to invest in Stock Market || How to invest and earn from an IPO? Earn Income in just 7 Days

Stock Market: One of the largest place in India and throughout the world where people invest their amount and earn good profits in short time as well as also invest for the Long Term Profits. Stock Market is the place where you can earn more the the invested amount in just a day. But stock market is the place which is full of risk. The Lack of knowledge can give you the loss which may needs to payback for the entire life also. So, if you are thinking about to invest in Stock market and need a start-up Ides, then this article is for you. Read this full article where we have mentioned the safest method of investment with minimum risk from where you can earn more than 50% of profit in just 7-10 days. In Short: Stock Market is one of the best investment platform filled with uncertainties & opportunities The are many methods from were you can invest in Stock market such as: 1. Investment in Shares of Companies (Equity Markets, Future & Options & Currency Market) 2. Investment ...

What is TRP & How TRP is Calculated || How much Important is TRP for a Channel ?

TRP stands for Television Rating Point. On a daily basis we heard about TRP on TV Channels, News Channels, Social Media & among normal people. We heard that Big Boss breaks the TRP Record & become most watching show in the month of October 2020. The Kapil Sharma Show is now most watched TV Entertainment Show in India. Once we also heard that DD National's Program "Ramayana" become most watched & most TRP earned show during Lockdown. etc.

So, today we will going to brief you about What is TRP ? How TRP is calculated ? How much important is TRP for a channel ?

What is TRP ?

> TRP Means Television Rating Point which tells about the popularity of a Channel or a specific Show on Television or on OTT Platform. Showing Advertisements is the result of that High TRP of a specific show

> An TRP helps an Investor/Advertiser to decide when and where they should induce advertisements of their products to get maximum viewership & for maximum customer reach and all know that the main source of Income for TV Channels is Advertisements

> Channels get Advertisements on behalf of their TRP Ratings. Higher the TRP means higher the Advertisements & more Profits. Channels always try to creates suspense on Next Episodes or in Next Parts so that the viewer will watch the same channel for longer time. This increases the watch time of that show/channel and Channel gets its high TRP Ratings

> This all is the game of TRP. That's why every channel want High TRP and how TRP Comes: It comes with Good Content that a Viewer must watch.

How TRP is Calculated ?

Lets take the Example of Exit Poles after the voting. Exit poles are like Sample Surveys where channels ask few people to whom they punched their votes. On that sample reports, Channel estimates the result ideas and provide the estimate report on behalf of Exit Poles that what Party will win. TRP also works on same Sample Method.

> In TRP, instead of asking questions from every House that which channel they watch the most, this work is completes with the Help of electronical devices.

> There's a meter called "TRP Meter" which puts in the Set Top Boxes of Some Selected Houses and this Meter records the watch time of channels. On behalf of that meter's records, the company gets the Sample Idea after a cycle of 30 days that which channel has been most watched during that cycle. Which channel people mostly watch in the family

> This TRP Meter is not set up in every House's Set Top Box. This boxes are attached in 30K - 40K houses throughout the country. On the behalf of these meter readings the watch hours are calculated. MOST WATCH HOURS MEANS MORE TRP

Privacy Concerns behind TRP Meter in Houses ?

TRP meters are set up by the companies after the approval from the Family Members. Its only attached in selected boxes only not in every boxes. Also, the houses who agreed to put Meter on their Set Top Boxes for TRP Calculation, they also get relaxation/rebates on monthly bills of DTH/cable. There is no privacy issues with TRP Meters. It only gives the data that how much time you watched a particular channel.

How TRP is Important for Channels ?

TRP is like a backbone cord for the Channels. High viewership means TRP. High TRP means more investors because every advertiser wants to put their products advertisement on that channel where there are tons of viewership available. It helps company to spread knowledge about their products to lots of peoples at once. More investors means more earnings for Channels.

Only viewership is not a factor for High TRP Ratings. It also depends on more watch time.

That's why TRP is so important for a channel.

Hope you like the post and it helps to gain your knowledge.
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Credit: www.shubhamchauhan.com


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