We have plans & Ideas in our mind. To put those ideas on paper on or Digital Media to show among the world, we use many sources of communication & information. Writing a Blog ,Website, Starting You Tube etc. We have ideas in our mind but visual modes are also required to attract people online through your Writings. With writings we also need Images, Videos, Sound Clips to attract people so that whenever someone read our articles or watch our videos, they get interest & our viewership increases.

The issue is here that, we are not digital creator, photographer of Multimedia creator. Not everyone can click their own photos & upload on their websites. We all are not able to click every image on our own. So, what we do is just pick the photos from Google.
But here is also an complication/problem that the every 2nd image on Google can have copyright ownership. We can't just put someone's image and use in our website. The person having the copyright rights can sue on you whenever you use his picture without his/her permission. Problem arises here that we can't get the permission each time from each publisher on internet having the copyright claim.
There are list of Problems to take the image from online and use for your own purpose.
We all are familiar with Getty Images, Shutterstock, Foap, Images Bazaar where people sell their photos but the images or pictures available there are not free. You need to pay for them which is not possible for a beginner creator.
Noe, here is the solution:
Today we will tell you all about the 10 Amazing world famous websites from where you can download Free Copyright Free Images, Videos & Sound Clips. These Sites are very famous and whatever you pick from there are copyright free.
> High Quality Images without any Cost (Free)
> Wide range of different categories contents
> Use in your website or videos without any tension because no one gonna sue on you for copyright claim
Here it is:
1. Website for Free Copyright - Free Images:
b) Unsplash
2. Website for Free Copyright - Free Videos:
a) Pixabay
b) Pexels
c) Videvo
d) Life of Vids
e) Splitshire
f) Distill
g) Stock Footage 4 Free
h) Videezy
i) Videoblocks
j) Vidsplay
3. Website for Free Copyright - Free Music/Tunes:
a) Premium Beat
b) Epidemic Sound
c) Artlist
d) Music Vine
e) Soundstripe
f) Filmstro
g) Pond5
h) ccMixter
i) Bensound
j) You Tube Channels (Just Search on You Tube and you will find hundreds of channels)
Hope this posts will helps you. Please share with your friends & families so they can also know about this.
Team: Online Knowledge Zone
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