
Showing posts from December, 2020

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Guaranteed 25 percent discounted products !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh! you are here. Now, let's grab the maximum discounts on all categories on Amazon. Trust us, these are going to be awesome. It's guaranteed! You will get minimum 25% discount on each products with no maximum discount cap! Best Selling products on Amazon: >> Products starts from Rs. 99/- only: 1. Mobile Phones: 2. Grocery: 3. Men's Clothing: 4. Home & Kitchen: 5. Kids & Children: 6. Latest Women trend store: 7. Laptops: 8. Back Covers and accessories: 9. Amazon Productions: 10. Televisions & Appliances: 11. Headphones & Speakers: 12. Books:  https:...

20 Disasters happened in 2020 || List of Bad Incidents, disasters, calamities & accidents in 2020 || 2020 the bad year

Reference: Knowledge Club (Youtube Channel) Video:  We all know that maybe the 2020 was the worst year we had ever faced since our birth. We have started the 2020 with new wishes, new plans & new joy but the Period from March 2020 became the threat in the history of mankind. We are not saying the Number 2020 is curse but the incidents and disasters of this year makes the year worst of all time. People really wanted to end this year as fast as it can & hoping the New Year 2021 will enter in our life with new hopes. So, today we will give the knowledge you about the 20 greatest Disasters (Human or Natural), Accidents & Incidents of Year 2020 because of which this year has left the un-removable marks on the face of mankind 1. Australian Bushfire (October 2019 – January 2020): It all started with Australia Bushfires from October 2019 but continued till January 2020. The Bushfire spread over the largest scale of areas in Australian Jungles because of which Millions o...

Most Search Keywords on Google in India in 2020 || Google's Trends 2020 || Most Searched Topics on Google in Year 2020

After the results of Top Most Searches overall the World, Google also reveals the Top Searches on Google according to the Different Countries So, here today we will cover the Top Most Searched Topics & Keywords on Google in India in 2020 MOST SEARCHED TOPICS & KEYWORDS ON GOOGLE IN INDIA IN 2020 (OVERALL) 1. Indian Premier League – The Happiest Moment when IPL has been started in India 2. Coronavirus – The most dangerous disease & difficult time of the year 3. US Election Results – We Indians were more interested than Americans about the US Elections and its Results 4. PM Kisan Yojana – The benefits for Farmers which later turned into Protest where millions of people come with Farmers against New Farm Bills 5. Bihar Elections – Where the Social Distancing were ignored during the Election Campaigns 6. Delhi Election Results – The result of India’s Heart 7. Dil Bechara – The Movie which got success due to sympathy from the death...

Most Search Keywords on Google in 2020 throughout the World || Google's Trends 2020 || Most Searched Topics on Google in Year 2020

Every Year Google Shows us the report of the Most Searched Keywords and Most Searched Topics on Google which includes the various fields and wide topics. Google Also shows the report country wise & Globally. So, today we will show you the Top Most Searched Keywords on Google in Year 2020 (Globally) Most Searched Keywords & Topics on Google in 2020 (Globally) >> MOST SEARCHED TOPICS IN 2020 ON GOOGLE (ALL CATEGORIES): 1. Coronavirus – The Most searched keyword of 2020 in Coronavirus because this year all belongs to 2020 and world has gone through very hard times because of COVID 19. 2. Election Results – Majority of Searches goes to Indian Elections & US Elections 3. Kobe Bryant – we lost our greatest Basketball Player this year (RIP) 4. Zoom – The life Saver Applications for Student’s Education & for Office Meetings 5. IPL – The best Thing happened in 2020 in India was IPL 6. India vs New Zealand Match 7. Coronavirus ...

20 Most Useful Mobile Applications by Government of India || Enjoy Govt. Services Online from Mobile Application

With the process of Digitalization, the Process of Providing many Services has been converted to Virtual media. Where previously the services were provided by the service provider through physical manner but now you can avail services of many organizations by just one click of the computer or a touch in Mobile Device So, today we will introduce you about the 20 Mobile Applications and their uses launched by Govt. of India to simplify the process of Service providing to customers. 20 Mobile applications from where we can receive Government Related services by just sitting at home. No Need to Visit Offices, no need to stand in Ques and no need to carry any physical documentation. Some of the applications provides you appointment related services and some will provide you instant result Let’s Get Started: 1. My Gov: Give your views on Govt. workings, participate and suggest for PM’s Mann ki Baat, Participate in Competitions like Slogan, Logo, Poster etc. If your submissions will b...

DigiBoxx: Free 20 GB Cloud Storage Facility by NITI Aayog || DigiBoxx: Indian Own Self Made Cloud Based Storage Facility || Indian Substitute of Google Drive

Dated: 2nd January 2021 After the Introduction Content about DigiBoxx , we saw that the people are facing Loin Problems in DigiBoxx Mobile Applications So, Today we will guide you about the Login Process in DigiBoxx Mobile Application (which is same in Web Version as well) Process to Register & Login in DigiBoxx ! 1. Open the Mobile Application and Click on the Register Button 2. DigiBoxx will open a Pricing Page where you need to choose which plan you want to choose (For Now we will choose Free plan where DigiBoxx gives Free 20GB of Storage) and click on Join Now Button 3. Then You need to Choose a Organization Name where you can Input your Name 4. Then a form will open where you need to Fill the following Information's: a) Your Full Name b) E-Mail Address c) Mobile Number d) Address e) GST Number (GST Number field is not compulsory to fill if you are an Individual who is not registered under GST Act) f) Select Your Country from Dropdown Menu g) Enter Your Current...

What is Samsung TV Plus ? Free OTT Platform from Samsung || Full Details about Samsung's OTT Platform naming "Samsung TV Plus"

After the Success of OTT Platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video & Disney Hotstar, other Television Channels & Telecommunication Companies also started their OTT platforms like Alt Balaji, MX Play, Voot etc. OTT Platforms provides us quality contents which we could not able to watch on the Regular TV Channels. Famous Shows like Mirzapur, Scam 1992, Mandalorian and The Boys are some examples of success of OTT Contents. The trend of OTT Platforms Is increasing on regular basis and people are moving towards OTT platforms from Theatres because OTT Platforms provide Quality Contents, Real Time Shows & Interest Related Series all at one place on Affordable price. Where we used to Give 500-600 to Movie Theatres just to watch a single movie, now on the same amount you can watch Thousands of Movies & Series for 6-7 Months. Famous Movie Making Companies like Marvel, Fox, Sony & Warner Bros (DC) has also moved towards OTT Platforms and launched its own OTT Platforms like Di...

How to Protect Bank Account from Frauds || 30 best ways to protect account from banking Frauds || Safe Banking Updates

In this digital era, Online Activities has been increased. With increment of online activities, banking activities has been also implemented online and customers are doing online banking activities on wide level. For transferring of funds, online investment, checking transactions, payments to local merchant’s etc. peoples using Online Banking Facilities and mobile banking facilities on huge & widespread Level But, every facility comes with some threats. With increment of online banking activities, online banking frauds has been also increased on large scale. Debit Card Frauds, un-authorized Internet Banking activities & auto payment deductions are some of the common frauds because of which the customer have to suffer in case of recklessness in Online Banking Activities. Today we will guide you and provide some most valuable knowledge about prevent yourself & your Account from Online Banking Frauds which will help you to enjoy the fraud-free banking experience. 30 ways to Pr...

20 Best Features & Benefits of Tally ERP 9 || All Features of Tally ERP 9 Accounting Software || Best Accounting Software in India

Tally:  The widest using Accounting software in India and its neighbor country launched in 2009. Tally is the purely INDIAN Software. The simplicity & lots of feature makes Tally best among other accounting software. Tally provides numerous features related accounting, auditing, Inventory management & banking etc. Features providing by Tally software are as follows: 1. Book Keeping & Voucher Entries: Entering of Purchase, Sales, Receipt, Payments, Credit Notes, Journal Vouchers and Debit & Credit Notes etc. 2. Accounting: Recording of Transactions and Analysis of reports on Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly & Yearly basis 3. Stock & Inventory Management: Management of Physical Stock, Share Market Stocks Management, Item wise bifurcation, Stock Ledger, FIFO, LIFO analysis etc. 4. Multiple Branch Accounting: Multiple Godown transfers, Transfer of Stock from one place to another etc. 5. Billing & Invoicing: Pre...