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DigiBoxx: Free 20 GB Cloud Storage Facility by NITI Aayog || DigiBoxx: Indian Own Self Made Cloud Based Storage Facility || Indian Substitute of Google Drive

Dated: 2nd January 2021

After the Introduction Content about DigiBoxx, we saw that the people are facing Loin Problems in DigiBoxx Mobile Applications

So, Today we will guide you about the Login Process in DigiBoxx Mobile Application (which is same in Web Version as well)

Process to Register & Login in DigiBoxx !

1. Open the Mobile Application and Click on the Register Button

2. DigiBoxx will open a Pricing Page where you need to choose which plan you want to choose (For Now we will choose Free plan where DigiBoxx gives Free 20GB of Storage) and click on Join Now Button

3. Then You need to Choose a Organization Name where you can Input your Name

4. Then a form will open where you need to Fill the following Information's:

a) Your Full Name
b) E-Mail Address
c) Mobile Number
d) Address
e) GST Number (GST Number field is not compulsory to fill if you are an Individual who is not registered under GST Act)
f) Select Your Country from Dropdown Menu
g) Enter Your Current City
h) Select State where the City if Located
i) Enter Your Zip Code (or PIN Code of City)
j) Enter Coupon Codes (if available) - Currently DigiBoxx is providing 10% Discounts on Annual Paid Memberships
k) Then Accept the Terms & Conditions and Click on Confirm Details

5. After this Process you will receive a Mail from DigiBoxx

(After this the mail problem arises where DigiBoxx Process the Application Form and Application will Close automatically or It backs to the Home Page)

6. So, Close the Application and Re-Open. Simply Click on Forgot Password Option below Login Button

7. Enter your DigiSpace ID and E-Mail

8. DigiBoxx will send you a 6 digit code in your Registered Mobile Number. Just enter the code and it will proceed further and show you the message that "We have sent you the Link on your registered E-Mail to reset the password"

9. Just close the application and Open Mail. Click the Link received on Mail for password Reset of DigiBoxx.

10. It will re-direct you to Browser and you can choose a New Password there.

11. After entering new password, then just open the application and Enter your DigiSpace ID (in DigiSpace ID Field), Username (E-Mail Address) and Password

and Its Done !

Note: DigiBoxx is newly launched service by Government of India. So, it may possible some of the features are under process. You are requested not to get Panic and wait for sometime until the problem get resolved.

You can write to us on Comment Section about the Issues faced by you. We will definitely Help you to Resolve the issue

Date: 23rd December 2020

We have numerous Online Cloud Based Storage facilities available over the Web like Google Drive, One Drive, Amazon Drive, Dropbox, Digilocker etc. We store many of our multimedia and required documents in these storage applications so that we don’t need to carry Physical Copy of the Document or Hard Storage Drive. India has also its own Online Cloud Based Storage facility naming Digilocker launched by Government of India and widely using by the Indians to store Official Government Documents such as AADHAR Card, VOTER ID Card, PAN Card, Education Qualification Documents, Driving License etc. Even Documents available on Digilocker are equally valid as the Hard Signed Copies which can be submitted to the Officials Organizations

But, The Major drawback of Digilocker Service is: It only provides storage of 1 GB which is much lower as compared to other drive facilities like Google Drive

What is DigiBoxx/DigiSpace Drive or Cloud Storage Facility launched by NITI Aayog?



Government of India’s NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) has launched Online Cloud Based Drive Storage Facility naming DigiBoxx /DigiSpace which provided you 20 GB of free storage

As per the DigiBoxx Team: “DigiBoxx is an intelligent Indian digital file storage and sharing platform that’s secure, fast, intuitive and easy on the pocket. With a goal to make digital asset management go vocal for local, we have built a robust technology that’s world class & yet keeps in mind the flavours of India”

What is the Aim of DigiBoxx or Digi Space Cloud Storage Drive Facility?

As per the DigiBoxx Team: “Created in 2020, DigiBoxx aims to be the Digital Asset Management platform for individuals and organizations of all sizes and industries. A visually elegant platform that allows users to easily share, store, track, and manipulate your assets – all on an Indian server. Backed by robust technology and back-end support, DigiBoxx is the most cost-effective way to share photos, videos and other files with family and friends. It can even help build a stronger brand for your clients”

DigiBoxx/DigiSpace is purely India Made Web based & Application Based Cloud Storage Facility Which Provides you 20GB of Free Online Storage and if you want to increase the Storage to 2TB, 25TB or Unlimited then you can increase the Storage Capacity by paying nominal amount. Literally: the Pricing of DigiBoxx Storage Increase Plans are much lesser than Google Drive.

DigiBoxx/DigiSpace is the result of step towards Self Reliance for India where we are preparing our own digital storage facility so that the Data should be within the country and no one can misuse the same.

DigiBoxx/DigiSpace has launched this platform at that time when Google has announced to apply its new changes or Policies from June 2021 in Google Services. One of which was: Google will pull back or Limit the Photo Storage to 15GB which is/will unlimited till 31st May 2021 but after that it will shrink to 15GB only

So, DigiBoxx/DigiSpace will be the Toughest Competitor for Google Drive which only Provides free 15GB of Storage where we only get 15GB of free storage to store Drive, Gmail and other Data from Google Applications. In this case it will be so difficult for the Indian Users to buy Highly Costly Storage from Google but DigiBoxx/DigiSpace has launched 20GB of free storage which only consist and count the usage of our uploaded files not mailing or other services which makes DigiBoxx super cool

Pricing of DigiBoxx Drive/DigiSpace are as follows: 

1. Free Basic Plan:

a) Single User

b) Unlimited external collaborators

c) 20GB Space

d) 2GB Max file size

e) SSL secured

f) Gmail integration

g) Real time collaboration

h) Web preview

2. Rs. 30/month Plan:

a) Single User

b) Unlimited external collaborators

c) Upto 2 TB Space

d) 10 GB Max file size

e) SSL secured

f) Gmail integration

g) Real time collaboration

h) Web preview

3. Rs. 999/month Plan:

a) Up-to 500 users

b) Unlimited external collaborators

c) Up-to 25 TB space

d) 10 GB Max file size

e) SSL secured

f) Real time collaboration

g) Gmail integration

h) Advanced real time collaboration

i) Web preview

j) Automated backups

k) User management

l) Platform Training (Optional)

m) Ability to set file share expiry

4. Customized Solution (as per the requirement of Customer):

a) 501+ Users

b) Unlimited external collaborators

c) To be discussed

d) No Max file size

e) SSL secured

f) Real time collaboration

g) Gmail integration

h) Advanced real time collaboration

i) Web preview

j) Automated backups

k) User management

l) Ability to set file share expiry

m) On-prem. Installation (Optional)

n) Platform Training (Optional) 


Note: Company is currently working on the Gmail Integration, Real Time Collaboration & Ability to Set File Share Expiry which will be available for the Users in January 2021

It is Government Project and currently the Facilities of DigiBoxx/DigiSpace are using by many Big Agencies like: Ad Agencies, Food & Beverages Agencies, BFSI, Manufacturing Companies, Retail & Wholesale Goods & Service Providers, Sports, Technology & Many Start-ups

What are the Benefits of DigiBoxx/DigiSpace Drive?

1. Best: 20GB of Free Storage

2. Purely Indian Company

3. Automated Backups

4. Easy to Upload & Sharing Facility

5. Multi User Sharing & Available in Web as well as in Mobile Application

6. Individual & Organization Collaboration

7. Low-cost pricing to Increase the Further Storage

8. Customized Storage Purchase Facility

9. You can set the Expiry of File once shared to another User

10. SSL Secured Files

11. Quick Customer Care Facility

12. Easy to use Clean Interface

13. Additional features can be added on Demand by the User (any time)

14. Safe & Secured Data. No Need to Worry about the Lost and Hacking

15. Reduce the Dependency on Chinese or any other Storage Facility etc.

Not only for the Individuals, DigiBoxx/DigiSpace is also providing Commercial Facilities to Companies and from here we can clearly get the Idea that the Level of DigiBoxx/DigiSpace will be so wide in coming Future.

DigiBoxx/DigiSpace facilities and Benefits are divided into 3 Parts to understand better:

1. Upload & Consolidate:

a) On Demand Real Time access and editing

b) Apply Metadata smartly for easy Searching of Files inside the Drive

c) Upload Multiple Files Formats and Sizes

d) Organize assets for Simple Workflow

2. Create & Collaborate:

a) Easy Cross - Functional and External Sharing (Share details & documents within the Internal Organization as well as to the Clients from the same place)

b) Completely Secure and Protected Approval System where you can keep more than One Administrators for the Approval Process (Double Check and Secured Flow)

c) Customize your brand management platforms looks (Customize the look of your Web Pages and layouts)

d) Create multiple Custom Workflow for Multiple Brands

e) Track Brand Asset Performance and Reports

f) Keep your Marketing & Connection IP Secure all the time

3. Distribute & Track:

a) Powerful Assets Management Tools to Save Time

b) Get Notifications about Changes, Updates & File Requests

From the above workings you can clearly understand how useful is DigiBoxx for the Organization and so Secure that you can Trust Upon

What is InstaShare Facility by DigiBoxx/DigiSpace Cloud Storage Facility? 


In Short we can Say: InstaShare is the Substitute of We Transfer

We have used We transfer many time in our Professional Life. With the Help of We Transfer: we share files & Folders up-to 2 GB with free of cost to other person without even signing up of without creating the account on that Web Page.

So, InstaShare is the Indian Substitute of We Transfer. Its the File Sharing Facility where you can share 2 GB of files free of cost without signing up on the Website.

Also Bonus for you: The shard files will remain on the Server of InstaShare for 45 days (In case of We Transfer the maximum days is 7) which is really amazing facility.

The Mobile Application of DigiBoxx/DigiSpace is available on Google Play Store & App Store. You can download the app and enjoy the services 


Conclusion: Indians Finally comes with the strongest Online Cloud Storage Facility in the form of DigiBoxx/DigiSpace which can give the tough competition to other companies. If this project of Government works, then it will be the revolution in the field of Online Cloud Storage in India. India's data will be safe with DigiBoxx/DigiSpace Protection & security, Its flexible facilities, Low Pricing & Great Support

Hope This article helps you to gain some knowledge about the amazing service from Indian Government.

We want you to please share this to every India so that they can also get the benefit

Team: Online Knowledge Zone


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